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Organic and Wildharvested Herbal Tea Vata tea consists of herbs which are soothing, calming and slightly warming. Air and Ether balancing.The primary characteristics of the Vata metabolic type are changeability, unpredictability and variability – in size, shape mood and action. Vata rarely suffers from inertia, their energy vacillates back and forth, their sleeping patterns are erratic, and they seek stimulating exciting activities. Most Vata’s are thin, moody and energetic. Many of them suffer from anxiety, fears or nervous disorders. The Vata dosha is located in the large intestine, pelvic cavity, bones, skin, ears and thighs. It is responsible for respiration and circulation. Vata is generally light, cold and dry. Made in Australia from Imported and Local herbs. Contains Parsley Leaf – Petroselinium crispum. Cardamom Pods – Elletaria cardamomum. Cinnamon Chips – Cinnamomum Cassia. Ashwaganda Root – Withania somnifera. Black Peppercorn – Piper nigrum. Ginger Root – Zingiber officinale.

Ayur – life and Veda – knowledge – is a philosophy of Indian Medicine dating back 5000 years. Ayurveda is based on the principle that illness is caused by an imbalance of life forces – our body, mind, spirit and our environment. Ayurveda distinguishes three basic types of constitution or dosha – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Our teas have been formulated to harmonise the energies within each dosha.

Historical and Traditional Perspective
Spotlight on Black Peppercorn
This perennial vine has stout stems, white flowering spikes and green to dark red fruit. Black, white and green pepper are all made from the same plant, taken at different stages of maturity and processed differently. The black peppercorns are picked green and dried. Pepper has been one of our most highly prized spices since earliest trade with the east. It was used as a currency during the siege of Rome in AD 408 and its high cost motivated the Portugese to find a sea route to India. Pepper stimulates saliva and gastric juices, aiding digestion. It has been used throughout the ages for flatulence, colic, rheumatism, headaches and diarrhoea. Pepper comforts and warms a cold stomach. It is antibacterial and insecticidal.

Historical and traditional perspectives are for information purposes only and are not intended as medical advice.