




Organic and Wildharvested Herb Tea Aromatic sweet tea. Promoting good digestion and cooling excess heat.Pitta tea consists of herbs which are promoting better digestion, cleansing and cooling. Fire and Water balancing.The Pitta metabolic type is reliable and predictable. A person with a dominant Pitta constitution usually has medium build, is strong, has stamina and endurance, and maintains a stable body weight. Pitta’s are generally intelligent, quick witted, passionate and over critical.They posses little patience and can be very irritable or temperamental. The Pitta dosha is located in the small intestine, stomach, sweat glands, blood, skin and eyes. It is responsible for metabolism and organising enzyme activity. Made in Australia from Imported and Local herbs. Contains Fennel Seed – Foeniculum vulgare. Cumin Seed – Cuminum cyminum. Coriander Seed – Coriandrum sativum. Cilantro – Coriander Leaf. Rose Petals – Rosa rugosa. Licorice Root – Glycyrrhiza glabra.

Ayur – life and Veda – knowledge – is a philosophy of Indian Medicine dating back 5000 years. Ayurveda is based on the principle that illness is caused by an imbalance of life forces – our body, mind, spirit and our environment. Ayurveda distinguishes three basic types of constitution or dosha – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Our teas have been formulated to harmonise the energies within each dosha.

Historical and Traditional Perspective
Spotlight on Coriander – the leaves are known as Cilantro or Chinese Parsley
The Hebrews adopted coriander from the Egyptians who used it as a spice, perfume and digestive aid. The herb was considered such a basic necessity that the seeds have been found in several Pharaohs tombs for use in the afterlife.The Greeks and Romans used coriander as a digestive and gas remedy and also as a meat preservative. India’s traditional Ayurvedic healers used the spice to treat allergies, urinary problems, as an eyewash and a digestive. Chinese physicians use the herb to treat diarrhoea, measles, haemorrhoids and as a gargle for toothache. Middle Eastern herbalists used the herb as a mild sedative and aphrodisiac. Coriander is warm, spicy and fragrant. Studies suggest it has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties and may be useful for arthritis and rheumatism. Another study shows benefit for blood sugar levels and the possibility of its value in the management of diabetes.

Historical and traditional perspectives are for information purposes only and are not intended as medical advice.